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2016-11-02 10:21 作者:汪德均  | 10条评论 相关文章 | 我要投稿






对于那些热爱文学、热爱写作的同学,从本书里学到的会更多。日常生活常常是琐屑而乏味的,写日记怎么才不沦为记流水账,怎么选取值得记录的生活片段,才能把日常生活琐事写得活灵活现、妙趣横生;日常生活中的“口水话”在本书中怎样变成了文学语言;怎么才能够既要保持日记的真实性,又要具有文学性,具有艺术感染力——这些都很值得注意,值得熟读深思、细心揣摩。( 文章阅读网:www.sanwen.net )























本书的语言,清新鲜活、简单平实(因为必须符合人物身份),属于经过提炼的口语体,准确、鲜明、生动、简洁,没有生僻的词语,也没有长、难句,给人以真实自然的感觉,好像澳大利亚的儿童平时就是这么说话的,其实当然不是。除了“pig root(尥蹶子)”这个词语是澳大利亚英语中的方言,其他的词句都是英语世界中通用的,而且用法都符合英语的语法规范(狄更斯、海明威等大师的作品中也有病句),相当于英语中的“普通话”,因而是学生的作文和口语中都可以用的。作者很注意行文的节奏,绝没有单调、冗长乏味的叙述或议论,都是点到即止,一笔带过,又接着讲故事,或是吐露心曲。用语虽然简单,但那些骑马时、尤其是比赛中的场面描写依然扣人心弦,并且与主人公的心理刻画交织于一体,让读者也身临其境、感同身受,与主人公忧乐与共,悲喜同心,紧紧牵着读者的心弦。










Wednesday 2 January

Last night was the scariest night of my life!!! I overheard Mom and Dad talking. They were saying that if the rain keeps up, the creek is definitely going to flood. I knew that if it did, Sparkle wouldn’t be able to cross over to the big paddock to be near the other horses. If she wasn’t near them during the storm, she’d be really scared. And if she got spooked in the storm, then she could be seriously hurt.

Mom and Dad were in the kitchen cooking dinner and Nate was watching TV. So I decided to sneak out the front door. I went downstairs, got my gumboots and a raincoat and grabbed Sparkle’s halter and lead rope. I just had to go and find her!

It was absolutely pouring with rain and by that time, it was really dark. I wasn’t scared at all though because all I could think of was my baby.

Mom and Dad have commented before on how brave I am. Our car was stuck up near the front gate once, because a huge tree had fallen across the drive in some gale force winds. And the next night, I walked all the way up there on my own in the pitch black darkness so I could get something out of the car. I can’t even remember what it was now. But it didn’t bother me at all. My brother Nate would never do that! He’s even too scared to go downstairs at night on his own. He’s such a chicken!

Luckily I had a torch with me when I went to look for Sparkle tonight though. Otherwise, I don’t think I would’ve been able to find her. She was standing under a tree and I heard her whinny when she saw me. I know she was glad that I was there.

I got the halter and lead rope on her and led her down to the creek to the spot where we usually cross. There was so much rain, I couldn’t see that well, even with Dad’s big torch. But then all of a sudden my gumboots filled up with water. The creek was definitely getting higher and I had to go really slowly across the rocks. Sparkle was walking along with me – lucky she’s such a bomb proof horse otherwise I don’t think I would’ve been able to get her to cross.

Just as we were about half way, I felt the lead rope pull really hard! I looked back to see what had happened and realized Sparkle had slipped into the deeper part of the creek! My heart was thumping so hard, I could feel it pounding against my chest. But all I could think about was saving her. I was standing on the trail of rocks where we always cross and I could feel the water really pulling me – it was so strong! I had to grip so hard to keep myself from being washed in.

I called out – Sparkle! Sparkle! – She was neighing and neighing but all I could do was pull on the lead rope. I was so scared! Then all of a sudden she managed to scramble back up onto the rocks. I have no idea how she did that – but I’m so glad she did! I was so desperate to get her across the creek that I just kept on going. I knew that she trusted me and would follow me anywhere!

We kept going and finally made it to the other side. Then we had to climb the hill. It was really muddy and slippery and we kept sliding down - it was so hard to make our way up. I fell over but she kept going and that helped to pull me to my feet. I’m glad I was able to get up otherwise she would’ve dragged me through the mud. We got to the top and I took off her halter and lead rope then let her go. Straight away, she raced into the paddock looking for the other horses. I knew once she found them, she’d be ok.

Then I had to get back down the hill. I had to hang onto tree branches so I didn’t go sliding down into the creek. I knew that I was totally covered in mud, but I didn’t care. The creek was rising and I just wanted to get back home. It was such a struggle to keep my boots on and push against the force of all the rushing water.

I felt so glad when I finally made it to the other side! I rushed back across the grass and one of my boots came off as I was running. So I had to go back and find it. When I made it back to the house, I left my muddy boots and raincoat downstairs. Then I sneaked back in the front door and into my room to get changed. Just then, I could hear Mom calling me for dinner.

When she saw me, she said she’d been wandering around the house looking for me. She asked why my hair was all wet. Then I started to cry. I just couldn’t help it! When she asked me what was wrong, I had to tell her. And she just stood there staring at me. She thought I’d been in my room the whole time.

Mom and Dad both said they were in shock thinking about what could have happened. They said that Sparkle could have dragged me into the creek or fallen on top of me or anything. They said that I could have been washed away and drowned! They said that they wouldn’t have known where to look for me because they had no idea I’d even left the house.

Now I’m worried that Sparkle might have hurt her back when she slipped over.

I can’t stop writing tonight. So much has happened and I just have to write about it all. Mom says that writing things down really helps when you’re upset.

It all feels like a really bad dream – I can’t believe it happened. Just last night, I was having so much fun with my friends and tonight Sparkle and I could have drowned. I think that Mom and Dad are still in shock as well! At least they didn’t get angry at me. I think they understand how I was feeling. And I think they’re just glad that I’m safe!


《小马俱乐部历险记》中英双语版代序的评论 (共 10 条)

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