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2012-05-04 22:49 作者:古月忆惜  | 1条评论 相关文章 | 我要投稿

When that there has never been and will never forget.

Fills my heart

I am with you.

Seem to let me have the chance to live again

Instantly fall in love realm

I can't suppress heart a tide of desire( 文章阅读网:www.sanwen.net )

Can't resist the deep I miss you

You are a green leaf

Filled with the tinges of spring

You are a drop of water

Full of golden light

Please allow me to call you: Dear

In this kind of voice

I look forward to love teasing in my blood

Let me indulge in illusions of love

I cling to you more than life

I miss you more than a look

Love never end a sentence to you: I love you

When the retaining the snowflake

Sand melts away tears

Will you accept me?


NEVERFORGET的评论 (共 1 条)

  • 无不为之
    无不为之 审核通过并说 问好我不懂啊,,见笑了