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2013-12-20 14:20 作者:子玥青木  | 8条评论 相关文章 | 我要投稿

Everytime you call me

I become blossomed.

Everytime you touch me,

I become contented.

Everytime you hug me,

I become felicific.( 文章阅读网:www.sanwen.net )

I once wrote my own poem for you.

Once sang songs for your big and satisfied smile.

Once weared my long and black hair just for your demand.

And now my hair grows like the perishing missing on you.

I wanna hear your morning and good night everyday no matter where you be.

I wanna recieve a prompt and sweet kiss when fly to you from a busy day.

But now, everytime I think all of those impressed memory and exciting expectation,

I just feel somewhat disappointed for your leaving me far away.

I imagine how you look like from the music.

I hear your voice from my reading book.

And I smell your smell from the dream I dreamed of you.


Aboutyou的评论 (共 8 条)

  • 春暖花开
  • 晓晓
  • 荷塘月色
  • 手牵手
  • 纤纤柳絮
  • 艳宝宝
  • 上官语柔
  • 枫月儿
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